Nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by.
I would like to introduce myself. I am BABA. To children and some grown-ups that is what I am called. If you are not Jewish or Russian you may not know that BABA is the slang word for Grandmother (Bobe or Bubela). My nieces and nephews also call me that.
The Blog intro picture is me. I am at the Butterfly house. A great place to be in a midwest winter. This is the Midwest and we're being deluged with rain. It is not a good day to make things which you want to be crispy. This is exactly what we are going to discuss in the first chapter,
when to bake and what.
when to bake and what.
Each Chapter will have easy to follow directions. Some, you will be able to do them all by yourself but I recommend you enlist the help of a "Baba" or someone well versed in kitchen equipment. Besides it is more fun to bake with someone else. There is a saying, "Too many cooks spoil the broth." This can be true if you get side tracked and don't pay attention to what you are doing.
Baking is a science. You need to follow recipes exactly. Yes, you can make your own recipes but you must follow the rules for what you are baking. If you break those rules your end result turns out wonky. The easiest way to teach baking rules is to bake something.
Chapter one: Chocolate Cake (From a Box), you don't have to make it from scratch to be a baker.
While we are on introductions I would like to introduce two of my grandchildren. They baked their own Cinnamon rolls. This was their first try. They are 13 and 14 1/2. Kids can bake!
Thanksgiving they were visiting and were begging for rolls. I told them if they wanted them they would have to do it themselves and they did. They also enjoyed being able to eat them without having to ask permission.
I could not have done any better.
These are three Nieces, visiting on summer break, Making their first Challahs. They had never made a yeast dough before, their breads were excellent.
Later that day they baked very professional Dutch Apple pies. Their pie crusts were flaky not doughy and tough.
They were 10, 9, and 8. Kids can bake!
The best memories are baked in the kitchen. Bake some up with someone you love.
Looking forward to baking up treats with you for our families.
First recipe blogs:
more blogs by me:
I write about the things I make.
There are recipes for food, Quilting and gardening.
It is a homemaker type blog, even has grand kid stories and poetry
Where I have stories of my cats and other pets
a blog about my courtship with my husband,
and a blog about my most embarrassing moment.
A "Soap box" blog where I do air my opinions.
blogs about the wildflowers on our farm
Organic methods we use, some cooking and some poetry,
blogs about Seed sprouting, insects, and garden pictures
Blog about an endangered beneficial beetle
Chronicling our adventures with a dumped Pit Bull Pup,
who has become a hidden treasure.
All recipes, pictures, and writings are my own.
I give credit for items which belong to other people in my blogs .
Please do not copy without permission